Dear Families, 
Happy Holidays! This is just a friendly reminder of the up-coming events this week.
- 2 hour delayed start on Wednesday (no breakfast)
- Early release at 1:30 on Friday.
- Christmas break is from Dec.23- Jan.3. Please return back to school on Monday, January 6th.
Friday morning MY HOMEROOM will be making Christmas crafts and listening to Christmas music. The students have expressed interest in a “white elephant” gift exchange. This is completely voluntary. Students are not required to participate. If they would like to participate in the exchange, please wrap a gently- used item valued at $10.00 or less (book, game, puzzle, bracelets, handbags, figurines) and bring to school on Friday (my homeroom only).
Friday afternoon we will be watching the movie “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”. Students may bring in a snack to share and their own drink.
Happy holidays!
Mrs. M