
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Week of Dec. 9-13

The count down is on...9 more days before Christmas break! I am going to try to maintain a "normal" schedule, but with all of the special activities planned, I also need to remember to stay flexible!

Speaking of staying flexible...I am out of the classroom Monday and Tuesday this week because I am attending a conference for school. Luckily my substitute is Ms. McFarland! I have left a note on the board reminding students of the Nov/Dec book project that is due THIS THURSDAY! I am hoping that all of my Language Arts students complete their projects and AR test over their book. My homeroom students will receive a special treat if they make their AR goal this month:)

For the next two weeks before break we will be reading "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" in Language Arts. We will be looking at characterization, vocabulary, sequencing, and reviewing other reading skills that we have learned. We are still working on Daily Grammar and I plan on discussing similes and metaphors this week as well.

In science we are learning about animal classification and adaptations. We will also have a Christmas "Science" Experiment day with the 8th graders on Tuesday, December 17th.

Please keep in mind:

  • 2 hour delayed start Wednesday, December 18th
  • early release @ 1:30 Friday, December 20th
Have an excellent week!