Monday: Yellow - sign of hope...bladder cancer
Tuesday: Pink - breast cancer (October is breast cancer awareness month)
Wednesday: Orange - leukemia
Thursday: Green - non-hodgkins form of lymphoma
Friday: Gray - brain cancer
This week we will be researching facts relating to an animal from the book The Great Kapok Tree. We will be taking the animal's perspective and compose a persuasive letter to the Senhor in the book asking him to not chop down the Kapok tree. We will also be reading more from Owen Foote: Mighty Scientist.
Monthly Minutes for October will be sent home on Tuesday, October 1st. Please keep track of the number of minutes read. October monthly minutes will be due Friday, November 1st and will be a grade.
In Science we will be finishing up our Scientific Inquiry unit and learning about data analysis and types of graphs.
Have a great week!
Have a great week!