
Monday, September 9, 2013

Week of September 9-13th

Wow! What an exciting and fun-filled day we had on Friday. Our trip to Lyme Village was great! Not only was the weather beautiful, but the kids were very well behaved and respectful to everyone.

 This week we will be writing about our field trip. We will follow the writing process; brainstorming,editing,and making a final copy. This writing assignment will be graded and will be a part of our "All About Me" books.

Please remember to keep track of Monthly Minutes! We will be finishing up our questioning strategies, visualization, and context clues lessons. We will begin learning about fact and opinion. 

In Science we will learn more about variables and the Scientific Method. We will move on to Lab Safety and Tools.

Enjoy a few pictures from our Lyme Village trip!
Have a terrific week!

Bow Making
Yarn Making
Making a net
Homemade Icecream