
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lyme Village Field Trip - Tanner

              On Friday ,September 6 ,2013,the 4th grade classes ventured to Historic Lyme Village in Bellevue, Ohio. While we were there,we learned many interesting facts about pioneer days.

               One interesting fact that I learned is if girls wore pants, they would go to jail for 30 days. Next, I learned that boys got to go to school and girls didn't because they thought the boys were smarter. In the 1800's ,they made ice cream differently then we do now. Last, they didn't make stamps or letters like we do in the modern days.

                My favorite station was the blacksmith. First, we learned you needed coal to heat the metal to bend it. Also,we learned all you need to do to cool the metal is to put it in water. Last, he told us to keep safe by wearing safety glasses and gloves.

                In conclusion, our trip to Lyme Village was extraordinary. We learned many interesting facts about pioneer days.

Tanner M.